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Message to Norwegian Society of Texas

Norwegian Society of Texas - Norwegian  in Dallas TX

Norwegian Society of Texas

(817) 296-9306
(817) 296-9306


Government Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Norwegian Society of Texas

The Norwegian Society of Texas (NST) was organized on March 8, 1975. At the organizational meeting, officers were elected and direction was given to incorporate. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State, State of Texas, on March 25, 1975. The Norwegian Society of Texas is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. NST is the only statewide organization for Norwegian Texans. Since it was founded, NST has lived up to the objective: “To Enjoy, Preserve and Promote Our Norwegian Heritage” and has accomplished a wide variety of historical and educational goals.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 29112 Dallas TX 75229

pin (817) 296-9306

Social Media

Twitter page for Norwegian Society of Texas - Norwegian  in Dallas Facebook page for Norwegian Society of Texas - Norwegian  in Dallas
Message Norwegian Society of Texas
(817) 296-9306