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Message to Royal Norwegian Consulate in Virginia

Royal Norwegian Consulate in Virginia - Norwegian  in Norfolk VA

Royal Norwegian Consulate in Virginia

Government of Norway
(757) 457-8330
(757) 457-8330


Government Embassies and Consulates
Practice Areas

About Royal Norwegian Consulate in Virginia

Norway has 38 Honorary Consulates around the United States. They can assist with certain consular matters.

The Norwegian Consulate can:
- Vote in Norwegian elections
- Provide information about Norway and Norwegian-American relations
- Provide notary services
- Receive ballots for Norwegian elections
- Administer Norwegian language exams (Bergenstesten)
- Assist with general questions about consular assistance, pension, and UDI
(Utlendingsdirektoratet, Norwegian Directorate of Immigration)
- Answer questions about the process of moving to Norway
- Answer questions about travel to Norway
US citizens do not need a visa to travel in Norway for short term tourist visits (maximum 90 days)


Primary Office Location

pin 201 East City Hall Avenue Norfolk VA 23510

pin (757) 457-8330


Message Royal Norwegian Consulate in Virginia
(757) 457-8330